I'm behind - I'm always behind these days in everything!! My most serious problem today is being behind in cleaning my house - I'm pretty sure we might all get swine flu from my bathroom floors. I use to be such a clean person - what has happened to me? Is it that my personality has changed since becoming a mother? Or am I just tired of cleaning up after everyone in my life? Maybe I should be more servant minded. Yes I would love to be in the mindset of thinking "I'm a stay at home mom so I should serve my husband and my family by cleaning our home." SORRY - its just not happening these days. I still love my husband and my daughter but they need to pick up their own underwear like I pick up mine. Can I get an amen!
Sydney Kate had surgery a week and half ago - had her tonsils removed and ear tubes once again. Poor child couldn't hear a thing - she kept telling me her "ears didn't work" and I kept thinking I was parenting wrong because my child would never do what I told her to do until I said it VERY loudly (some may call this a scream). She did great with surgery and of course was extremely pumped about eating popsicles everyday. The doctor told us to not let her play hard for at least 7 days - well that lasted about 7 hours! Surgery didn't deter her love for all food or for fun all the time. I'll share a few photos of our surgery day and then day three. The first picture is day three - she was so sad she couldn't go to school - so we had a picnic at the park. The second picture is when she came back to us after surgery - the last picture is before she went into surgery.
27 weeks pregnant this week! Just failed my glucose screen and so lucky me I get to go on Monday to take the 3 hours version. If they take away my Raisinetes I will be so sad! Say a little prayer Monday morning that I will pass this time around. I'm still measuring two weeks early - so I'm really thinking this little guy will be here sometime at the end of July. I already feel huge. I will post some pics of my pregnant self in my next post. Also I need to write a post about one of the books I mentioned a few posts ago - can I just say AMAZING and a must read for everyone. And believe it or not its not the Brennan Manning book (although I liked his book too). But more of that later....