My daughter amazes me at her wisdom. Everyday I get something new that she has discovered - something she is passionate about. Over the last few weeks she has been passionate about our cats - Gracie and Knox. Sydney Kate tells me "Mommy I NEED to hold is comfortable for me." No matter how many times the cats claw their way out of her grip... she wakes up every morning desiring to hold her "kitty tats". She is passionate.
Sydney Kate was passionate about the arrival of a baby sister. Last night as I was tucking her into bed she asked (as she has many times in the last two weeks)... Why is our baby in Heaven? I told her because the baby was sick and wasn't growing anymore in Mommy's tummy. Sk replied by saying " The baby is with Jesus - if the baby is sick Jesus make her feel better. Right Mommy - Jesus make us feel better?" You see when Sydney Kate has a hard fall or she feels really sick we might stop and say a quick prayer to Jesus and ask him to help her heal and start feeling better. So last night my precious three year old wants to know why Jesus didn't make our baby feel better. I wish I had the answer for her - all I said was I don't know sweetheart... I don't know. Learning at a young age there is struggle and pain in this world.
My mom shared with me last week something else Sydney Kate told her granddad when she stayed with them during my surgery two weeks ago. She said "Granddad my baby crawled to Heaven -- it crawled because Granddad babies don't walk!"
To me these are special glimpses into my daughter's heart - in her own way she is dealing with death and with God. It is sweet for me to think God is loving on my 3 year old right now. My passionate and very articulate three year old has her own answers to where our baby is tonight... Jesus is making her feel better.
1 comment:
I think her face says it all!
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