So today we had the big ultrasound - making sure all was well with this little one. We have four chambers of a heart, a good looking brain, and according to the ultrasound tech a long legged little BOY!!! I figured this little one would be tall (fits in good with this family) but since we are 3 for 3 with girls I wasn't really expecting a little boy. Of course we are both thrilled and just excited to be continuing on this pregnancy journey. All is good right now (I am 18 weeks along) just continue praying!! After the ultrasound today I felt like 20 pounds had been lifted - not that we are finished by any means - but something about seeing that little baby moving around so freely and healthy took away the anxiety I've been wrapped up in for 18 weeks. I expect there will still be moments of anxiety - all pregnant women have the scary thoughts and times - but the covering and all consuming anxiety I pray has just been removed.
Well we think we feel safe enough to tell Sydney Kate tonight - everybody keeps asking her what's in mommy's tummy and I keep telling her I've eaten too much (which I have:) ). I guess it is time to come clean and let her know the real truth. I'll let you know that reaction! I hope she's up for a little boy following her every move:)
I'm off to take a nap - my favorite hobby these days! love you all!
1 comment:
I am sooooooooo excited!!!! Still praying sweet friend!
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