Seriously, this "nesting" business that comes with pregnancy is probably a good thing unless you have the amount of "stuff" I have to deal with before relaxing! I have waited to the absolute end of my pregnancy to do everything I planned to do - now I wake up out of a dead sleep to add one more thing to my list (which I keep by my bedside). Not sure I can allow myself to enter into labor until my list is complete - like I'll never be able to do anything again once Eli arrives. Silly thinking really - I think life exist beyond having two children? I must believe this to be true - I don't want to be a mom who has nothing else in her life to look forward to other than a dirty diaper or Noggin cartoons. So I keep telling myself life will continue when my little man arrives... hopefully he'll be a go with the flow kind of baby like his sister was. Soon to find out...
So my Mom and Mac came over last week and installed Eli's beautiful nursery - it is perfect! My mom has so much talent and I'm so glad she helps me! Not only did Eli get a new room but so did Sydney Kate... she got a beautiful Big Sister room! Now that I mentioned the rooms I better take a picture so you all can see my mom's talent.
Well I am 37 weeks - 3 weeks until my due date - but no one expects me to go all the way to my due date (maybe that's my wishful thinking)! This boy feels huge but my doctor predicts he'll be in the 8 pound range... we'll see if she is right? I go to the doctor on Wednesday to find out the progression - last week I was only dilated 1/2 centimeter. My doctor had the right perspective - At least it wasn't zero. I was personally hoping for 2 centimeters:) I'll keep everyone updated...
LOVE BOTH OF THEM!!! So cute...and they're done, which is the most important thing at this point right?? I can't wait to rock little Eli in that chair very, very soon!
Just perfect!
Love the rooms. From this perspective you look all set.
I love them, too! Can't wait to see little Eli!
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