September 16, 2008

Best Friends...

I feel like I’ve been spending a ton of quality time with my daughter lately. Yes I’m a stay at home mom so this should be a given – right? However, I’m pretty sure all our time wouldn’t fit into the “quality time” category. In fact many times as a mom I’m just enduring the day until Todd walks in the door. SK started school a few weeks ago so our time together has been shortened – now on the days she is home with me our time seems more like a gift than a burden. Last week we had our first full day at home – no errands to run, pjs all day, and we played baby dolls and kitchen all morning. As we were eating lunch SK looked at me and said “Mommy we are sitting beside each other and we are best friends”. Yes, my love we are best friends.

Can you image this very same scene with God. I’ve been pondering this question the last few days – as I sit and look around… do I notice my best friend in my everydayness of life … do I demand His time? I wish I could say yes because that would be so spiritual of me. The person I notice most in my everyday world is ME. I get tired of noticing my crap – my sin – my junk – my sadness. I don’t want to be a needy hurting person – I want to be the helper! I thought I had this all worked out with God but somehow things have gotten crossed. So some days I find myself begging God to show up because I need my best friend to come and meet me… I need to experience Him… otherwise it is all just surface Okayness.

Sydney Kate needs all of me – she needs her mom and her best friend and she runs to me in her need. I wish I could mirror this action with the Lord. Teach me to run to you Lord like she runs to me for every little thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! again, thank you for speaking truth. how much do we need to run and just sit next to our Father. thanks for giving me alot to think and pray about. thanks again for writing what is on your heart!