This weekend Todd and I took a mini-vacation to Scottsdale Arizona. It was completely amazing!! The kind of amazing where you wonder if other people are looking at you and wondering why you're there (maybe you don't belong with this crowd). I had the thought this weekend that somehow I must be living someone else's life - because what I was experiencing was complete bliss!!
Todd turned 40 years old last Thursday and for his birthday present we took a much needed trip away. We stayed at an amazing resort (The Boulders) in Scottdale and we were treated like royalty. We both spent time at the Golden Door Spa - can I just say best massage ever!! Plus Japanese spa, rain showers, and green tea cleanse. Yes we did it all!! After the spa we lounged by one of the pools and were treated with organic fruit smoothies. Todd also spent one day at a PGA golf course and played golf like the pros. It doesn't stop there... we then drive 1.5 hours to Sedona Arizona where we see the most beautiful red mountains. We decided we would like to do more than just see these mountains from a distance so we took a Jeep tour up to the top of the mountains - the view was breathtaking. After our tour of Sedona we headed back to Scottsdale but stopped at this fancy Italian restaurant to celebrate our last night in Arizona. I promise it was the best food that has ever touched these lips!
So Todd turned 40 years old in style and allowed me to enjoy it with him! I've got 7 years until my 40th - I think Todd should start planning my special trip now!
Above all the pampering we experienced this weekend - the best thing ever was to spend four whole days with my husband. No interruptions, no schedules, no pressures, no talk of what we need to get done - Rest and reconnection with the man I love dearly. I think sometimes the biggest gift we can give to our daughter is allowing her to see her parents spend time away in order to reconnect - letting her see our relationship is most important to us - this time rejuvenates us in order to be better parents, husband, and wife. Okay so it may not always be Arizona that we escape to but Starbucks is the next best thing for a good conversation with my man!
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